I Don't Want to Jinx Myself...
June 04, 2019
It is the end of the school year! Usually by this time, there have been so many events and and extracurriculars and end of year of projects (besides getting up at the ungodly hour of 7:00 o'clock every morning for months!) that we're all a little bedraggled and ready for a good summer rest. Summer plans are made but the day to day is vague and heavily reliant on "nothing". But I don't know, this time it feels different. There is energy in the air. It feels like something is about to HAPPEN. I don't know what exactly, but it feels like purpose is stirring.
*shiver* Ooh! It's all vague and oracular and delicious feeling. (I should totally write horoscopes. But not, you know, ones tied to astrology because I don't know anything about that. Except my ADHD and talking shit is so Gemini.)
Maybe I'm just not as tired, maybe I'm ramping up with the sun. I feel like writing a lot. I think about writing all the time. So perhaps, this summer, will be... extra productive? (Don't jinx, don't jinx, don't jinx.)
Fingers crossed please.